
Shoplifting cost retailers billions of Euros every year and still form a considerable part of total shrinkage. It affects every market and has a huge impact on a store’s profitability. Retail stores will benefit from taking preventative measures. Century Europe assists in finding the best loss prevention solution.


Prevent and identify shoplifting

Loss prevention solutions usually consist of systems that protect individual products as well as systems operating at store level. Century Europe offers various solutions to prevent and identify shoplifting. This includes, for example, article surveillance, article identification and source tagging. We produce every item ourselves, which ensures a safe and reliable functioning of each system.

Electronic article surveillance

Electronic article surveillance

Electronic article surveillance (EAS) alarm systems protect individual items, which helps to prevent and detect shoplifting.

Article surveillance

Article identification

Article identification

Reduce the impact of shoplifting by applying an article identification solution. Maximum visibility and security!


Source tagging

Source tagging

Source tagging solutions help to diminish criminal activities such as shoplifting. A highly effective protection of products.

Source tagging

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